
  • Contents

SOAP Add Header Element

This SOAP tool creates a header element and adds it to the given envelope. If the envelope doesn’t yet have a header, one will be inserted before the Body element.

Note: If the ‘Name’ argument has no namespace prefix and a ‘Namespace’ different than "" (default namespace) is specified, a prefix will be synthesized, unless the local name starts with a ‘:’ (which is illegal in XML, and thus signals to this tool not to add a synthesized namespace prefix). Adding a prefix can greatly reduce the size of the message if child elements are in no namespace, as otherwise each child element would get an xmlns="" attribute.



Envelope node of the SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.


Fully qualified name of the header element to create and add to the header.


Optional string denoting the namespace URI of the element. If the parameter is omitted and the name has a namespace prefix, the tool will search in the parent elements for the namespace with the same prefix and make the element a member of this namespace.

Must Understand

This Boolean sets the value of the ‘mustUnderstand’ attribute:

False mustUnderstand=“0”

True mustUnderstand=“1”

Not specified: No ‘mustUnderstand’ attribute is added.

Actor URI

String Optional setting the value of the ‘actor’ attribute.

Encoding Style

Optional string setting the value of the ‘encodingStyle’ attribute. Attribute is omitted if not specified or “NONE”. Specify “STANDARD” for standard namespace (“”).


Optional string value to set as content of the element.

Replace Existing Header Element

If this box is checked, this tool will replace first element in the body that has the same (local) name and namespace. If the body contains multiple elements with the same name and namespace, the remaining ones are not modified. By default, this box is not checked and the element is addd as the last child of the body.

Delete All Existing Header Elements

Check this box to remove all existing elements from the body prior to adding the new element. By default, this box is not checked and the element is appended to the child list of the body.


Header Element

Node of the element that has just been inserted.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the header element is successfully added.


This path is taken if the operation fails.