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SOAP Get Fault

This SOAP tool retrieves fault information from the SOAP envelope. If there is no <Fault> element in the envelope, the ‘No Fault’ exit is taken and NULL elements and empty strings are returned.

Note: If the envelope is read-only, the returned elements will be read-only too.



Envelope node of the SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.


Fault Element

Node of the <Fault> element.

Fault Code

Value of the <faultcode> element. It provides programmatic information about the fault.

Fault String

Value of the <faultstring> element. It provides human readable information about the fault.

Fault Actor

Value of the <faultactor> element. It provides the URI of the source of the fault.

Detail Element

Node of the <detail> element. It is used to transfer application specific fault information. NULL Node if there is no <detail> element.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if

No Fault

This path is taken if there is not <Fault> element in the envelope.


This path is taken if the operation fails.