
  • Contents

SOAP Get RPC Parameter

This SOAP tool is a convenience tool for cracking RPC requests. It retrieves a parameter element (child) from the first element in the <Body> element (method in an RPC request).

It returns the first element that matches all of the specified arguments. If ‘Base Name’, ‘Namespace’, and ‘Index’ are undefined, the first element will be returned.

Example: To retrieve the 2nd parameter from the ‘Add’ method in the calculator example presented in the Introduction, you would specify “Parameter2” as name and “” as namespace, or ‘1’ as index.



Envelope node of the SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.

Base Name

Base name of the parameter. Optional.


Namespace of the parameter. Optional.


Zero based index into parameters of the method. If this parameter is specified, ‘Name’ and ‘Namespace’ may be omitted, but if present must match the name and namespace of the parameter.

Retrieve Value

Leave this box checked to return the node value. Clear this box if you do not want to retrieve the value. Disable retrieval of value if parameter contains a large XML document and the value is not used (performance option).


Parameter Element

Parameter element.

Parameter Base Name

Base name of the parameter element.

Parameter Namespace

Namespace URI of the parameter element.

Parameter Index

Zero based index of the parameter element in the child list of the method element.


Value of the parameter.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the element is successfully retrieved.

Not Found

This path is taken if the element can't be found.


This path is taken if the operation fails.