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Working with activity codes

Activity codes are sub-sets of activity types, which act as containers for the activity codes. Use activity codes wherever you use activity types. This feature allows you to customize and better define the activities your organization uses. Use activity codes in schedules, shifts, and time-off requests, as well as shrinkage reporting and detailed schedule editing of future, current, and past schedules.

Administrators can use activity codes to help define scheduling needs. For example, when:

  • An agent calls in sick. Create sick time activity codes (e.g. paid sick time, unpaid sick time) in the Time Off activity type container. Update the schedule with a sick time activity code to remove the agent from staffing projections and track the sick time activity for shrinkage reporting.

  • An agent uses FMLA. Create FMLA activity codes (e.g. planned FMLA, intermittent FMLA, unpaid FMLA) in the Time Off activity type container. Update the schedule with the FMLA activity code that matches the agents status to remove the agent from staffing projections and track the sick time activity for shrinkage reporting.

  • A team participates in weekly meetings. Create a team-specific meeting activity code in the Meeting activity type container. Update the schedule with the meeting activity code to remove those agents from staffing projections and track the activity for reporting purposes.

Use activity codes to measure and manage shrinkage. Activity code data addresses such questions as:

  • How much planned and unplanned time was tracked with activity codes as it relates to time in the published schedule

  • How much total unplanned shrinkage occurred within a given date range across all agents and all codes

  • How much unplanned shrinkage occurred for a specific code within a given date range for all agents or a specific agent

  • How much total shrinkage (planned and unplanned) occurred within a given date range across all agents and all codes

Add, edit, delete, and map activity codes to activity types from the Activity Codes link on Interaction Optimizer Home page.

Note: Interaction Optimizer limits you to 255 activity codes per activity type.

Note: In an Activity Type container, the activity type appears as the default activity code. You cannot edit the default activity code.

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