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Interaction Optimizer Help
Using the Schedules, Schedule Bid, and Forecasts grid
From the Interaction Optimizer Home page, you can access a list of all schedules, schedule bids, or forecasts for each scheduling unit. Within each list, you can perform a variety of tasks to help quickly manage each entity:
Create, open, publish, copy, rename, and delete selected schedules.
Create, open, activate, rename, and delete selected schedule bids.
Create, open, copy, rename, and delete selected forecasts as well as manage day classifications.
Note: Before you navigate to a particular list, make sure you select the appropriate scheduling unit from the Interaction Optimizer Home page Scheduling unit drop-down list.
Accessing the grid
From the Interaction Optimizer Home page:
To view and manage schedules, in the Scheduling area click the Schedules link.
To view and manage schedule bids, in the Scheduling area click the Schedule Bids link.
To view and manage forecasts, in the Forecasts area click the Forecasts link.
Keyboard shortcuts
The following tips can be used from your keyboard to perform certain actions when managing schedules, schedule bids, and forecasts:
To navigate headers, filters, and rows, use the left and right arrow keys.
To manage filters, press Enter to edit the filter, press Esc to clear the filter, and press the spacebar to open the operator selection list.
To manage headers, press Enter to toggle sort, and press the space bar to open the column picker and select information to display.
To toggle a column in the column picker, press Enter. To close it, press the Esc key.
To select multiple schedules, schedule bids, or forecasts listed consecutively with a grid, select one from the list and then hold the Shift key and use the up or down arrow to highlight multiple items.
To select and toggle multiple, non-consecutive items, hold the Ctrl key and use the up or down arrow to move to another row, and then press spacebar to add or remove it from the selected rows.
Mouse shortcuts
With your mouse, you can also perform certain actions to help manage schedules, schedule bids, and forecasts:
Use Ctrl+Shift to select multiple rows.
Right-click a row to open a context menu, with options that include opening, activating or publishing (where applicable), renaming, and deleting the selected items.