
  • Contents

Content Servers Statistics

Content Servers statistics include statistics that help determine the state of configured Remote Content Servers and Recorder Server.

Available HTTP Client Connections

HTTP client threads available for accepting recordings.

Available local disk space

Free disk space for recordings on the local machine in gigabytes.

Available log disk space

Free disk space for logs in gigabytes.

Available share disk space

Free disk space for recordings on network shares in gigabytes.

Configured for Amazon S3

Indicates whether or not Recorder Server is connected to Amazon’s Simple Storage Service.

Failed transfers last hour

Number of recordings failed to transfer last hour.  

Memory usage

The amount of paged physical memory (working set) that a content server is using, expressed in kilobytes.

Recordings played back last hour

Recordings played back in the last hour.

Recordings successfully processed last hour

Number of recordings successfully processed last hour.

Total CPU usage

The value is the sum of CPU utilization reported by Windows across all cores present in the machine. A value of 100% on a four core machine would indicate that all cores are complete used.