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Numeric Question View

The Numeric Question view displays current settings for the selected question. Use this view to create, change, and update Numeric question settings. This question type allows the scorer to assign a numeric value when scoring a recorded interaction.


Use this field to type the content of the question to be used when scoring a recorded interaction.

Help Text

Use this field to include information in the question that is displayed when an interaction is being scored. The information included in this field should be helpful to the person scoring the interaction.

Data Type

Select Numeric from the drop-down list for this type of question.


Select the number for which you want to weight the importance of this question. The Weight is used as a multiplier to calculate the final score for a question. For example, if the question is scored as a 9 with a weight of 2, the final score for that question is 18.

The current value is displayed.  To change the value, enter the new value in the Weight box.

Allow comments

To allow comments to be added when scoring a Questionnaire, select the Allow comments check box.


To classify this Question, use the Importance drop-down box. Questions can be classified as: Required, if this Question must be answered, or Optional, if an answer is not required.

Allow Not Applicable (N/A) Answer

To allow the Scorer to mark this Question not applicable, select the Allow Not Applicable (N/A) Answer check box. Selecting this box adds N/A to the list of choices for a response to this Question when Scoring a Questionnaire.  

Minimum and Maximum

The range of numbers to score the question is displayed in the Minimum and Maximum boxes. To change the minimum or maximum value for the range, enter a new value in the Minimum or Maximum box.

Minimum score and Maximum score

The calculated Minimum score and Maximum score for this question are displayed at the bottom of the Question View. The Total Score Contribution percentage, for this question, is also displayed at the bottom of the view.