
  • Contents


This topic summarizes changes in Remoco from IC 3.0 GA to CIC 2015 R1.

CIC 2015 R1

Updated documentation to reflect changes required in the transition from version 4.0 SU# to CIC 2015 R1, such as updates to product version numbers, system requirements, installation procedures, references to PureConnect Product Information site URLs, and copyright and trademark information.

IC 4.0 SU4

No changes.

IC 4.0 SU3

The StatServer sub-system (StatServerU.exe) was split into two binaries. StatServerAgent[U|UD].exe handles agent related statistics. StatServerWorkgroup[U|UD].exe handles workgroup related statistics. The split enhances processing power and allows for statistics gathering in larger environments with higher call rates. Updated the IC Process Tree topic to replace StatServerU.exe with entries for each new binary.

IC 4.0 SU1 and SU2

No revisions were made to this document.

IC 4.0 GA

  1. Updated copyrights and trademarks in this document.

  2. When a subsystem is started but fails, Remoco used to attempt an automatic restart immediately. Should subsequent restart attempts fail repeatedly, the amount of data written to log files could dramatically increase. Remoco is smarter now when it attempts to automatically restart subsystems. It uses a retry counter to reduce the amount of retry bashing that can occur, while attempting restarts in a reasonable time. Remoco's new behavior applies to automatic restarts only. Manual restarts are always performed immediately.

  3. In IC 4.0, many ANSI and MBCS executables were phased out in favor of Unicode compilations. In this document, updated subsystem filenames in the IC Process Tree topic to list new names of executables. Filenames now end with *U.exe to designate Unicode.

  4. This helps avoid unwanted conversions between

  5. UTF-8 strings and Windows MCBS strings that can cause localization problems.

IC 3.0 Service Update 11

No changes, except for a best practices recommendation: most subsystems can be restarted independently of others but restarting AdminServer while other subsystems are running generates asserts in other subsystems due to the change notifications sent, even though AdminServer's behavior is correct. If you restart DSServer, for example, you should also restart Interaction Administrator. Since restarting subsystems independently is allowed by the Remoco client, Genesys recommends that AdminServer be restarted whenever DSServer is restarted.

IC 3.0 Service Update 10

  1. Updated copyrights and trademarks in this document.

  2. Updated IC Process Tree topic to list current subsystems in startup order.

  3. When Remoco starts subsystems, it obtains connection ID information and stores that with process information. Whenever a Notifier disconnect message is received, Remoco looks to see which process the message corresponds to. It then monitors that process to make sure it either re-establishes its Notifier connection or properly terminates.

    If after a configurable amount of time the process is still alive and still doesn't have a Notifier connection, Remoco will terminate the process. A process flag in the process tree disables this functionality on a per-process basis. The flag is enabled by default, allowing Remoco to terminate processes that did not reestablish Notifier connections.

IC 3.0 Service Updates 8-9

Updated copyrights and trademarks in this document.

IC 3.0 Service Update 7

  1. Updated copyrights and trademarks in this document.

  2. In Interaction Administrator, the parameter for number of days to retain trace logs was not affecting the actual number of days they were retained This parameter, "Number of days to retain trace logs" was not being used to determine the number of days the trace logs were actually maintained, so it was removed. The retention period for logs is 8 days.

  3. Fixed a problem that could cause System Manager not to connect with a backup server If you ran the System Manager application on the backup server, it would connect to the primary server. This was fixed (SCR 70543).

  4. Localized two error messages. You would see these messages if you had System Manager running while an xIC server was rebooted (SCR 70600).

IC 3.0 Service Updates 3-6

No changes, except for copyright and trademark updates.

IC 3.0 Service Update 2:

  1. Updated copyrights and trademarks in this document.

  2. Added CSSurvey (Customer Survey process) to the IC Process Tree.

IC 3.0 Service Update 1:

  1. In IC 3.0, the Disable Restart and Stop SNMP commands were disabled by default as a security precaution (SCR 56275). A server parameter named "Allow SNMP Process Restarts" allows customers to re-enable this functionality. A value of "Yes" enables the functionality. For more information, see "Configure IC Server Parameter" in the Interaction Center and SNMP Technical Reference.

  2. This help file now provides an e-mail feedback mechanism that allows customers to send feedback and comments about any help topic. To use this feature, click on the letter icon in the top right corner of the Help topic. The recipients will not reply to technical support issues or questions about PureConnect solutions. To obtain technical support, please follow the contact procedures that are appropriate for your organization.

IC 3.0 GA:

This file was updated as follows for IC 3.0:

  1. The path to the IC process tree in the IC Process Tree topic was updated.

  2. Added Copyright and Trademark Information.

  3. Added Interaction Center Platform Statement.

  4. Added this "what's new" topic.

  5. Added list of subsystems to the IC Process Tree topic.

  6. Trace Log deletion and compression was improved to use a new trace file directory structure. The directory structure used for storage requires new management for deletion and compression. Specifically, Interaction Administrator provides a configuration option that makes the retention period configurable. Log files are retained for 7 days by default.

To change the number of days to retain trace logs, open Interaction Administrator and select System Configuration. Double-click the Configuration entry. When the System Configuration dialog appears, click on the Trace Logs tab. In the screen shot above, the parameter is highlighted in green. It controls the number of days that trace logs will be kept.


Low disk space can exclude some files from trace logs

Load testing revealed that it is possible for trace logs to contain only the index file, but not the log itself. If a log zip file contains only the index, then it is likely that the logging drive ran out of space and could not compress the log. When full compression cannot complete, only those items that space was available to compress are added to the zip file (typically indexes). The remaining files are not removed and are available in their uncompressed format.