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Use SISR Tags for Operations

Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition (SISR) is a W3C standard for defining a result for an utterance within an SRGS grammar. The result is the data that you want Interaction Speech Recognition to return, regardless of whether callers said different words within the rule or one or more extra words.

The following examples display use of SISR tags for operations.

ABNF example of SISR tag

#ABNF 1.0;
language en-us;
mode voice;
tag-format <semantics/1.0>;
root $Operator;
$Operator =
[Please] [transfer [me] [to] | call | dial] 
[an] [the] operator
{out.action="transfer"; out.user="operator"};

GrXML example of SISR tag

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<grammar xmlns=""
<rule id="Operator">
<item repeat="0-1">Please</item>
<item repeat="0-1">an</item>
<item repeat="0-1">the</item>

In these example grammars, the Operator rule allows many optional words to be present in a request to speak with an operator:

  • Please transfer me to an operator.
  • Operator.
  • Call an operator.
  • Dial the operator.

All these utterances result in Interaction Speech Recognition returning data defined and populated in the last line of the example defining the rule variable, its properties (action and user), and its assigned values (transfer and operator). The receiving system can then act based on the data that Interaction Speech Recognition returns. You can also define rule variables, properties, and default values within a separate rule in the grammar and change the values within other rules in the same grammar.

For more information about SISR with examples in ABNF and GrXML, see