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II3ID::Initiators Property


This property returns a collection of Initiators registered in Interaction Designer. This collection represents initiators displayed to a user after the File | Change Initiator menu operation is selected.

An initiator is always the first step in a handler. It tells Interaction Processor which event starts an instance of that handler. When one of the modules in CIC, such as Telephony Services, generates an event, Notifier sees that event and tells other modules about that event. One of these modules is Interaction Processor, where the handlers are registered. When the Notifier tells the Interaction Processor about an event, Interaction Processor starts an instance of a handler.

When you publish a handler, the handler's initiator tells Interaction Processor which event to watch for. An event is something that happens to an object. For example, a call (object) can be sent to voice mail (event). If an initiator is configured in a handler to start when calls are sent to voice mail, then Interaction Processor starts that handler any time it is notified of that event.

Note: Subroutine initiators are different from other initiators because they are started by a call from another handler instead of an event that occurs on the CIC system. For more information about initiators, see the Interaction Designer help system.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT Initiators(

   [out, retval] II3IDInitiators ** theInitiators


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_Initiators( II3IDInitiators ** theInitiators);



The return value is a collection of II3IDInitiators objects.