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II3ID::IsBatchPublishing Property


This property indicates whether or not Interaction Designer is currently batch publishing. Batch publishing is a way of publishing a group of handlers automatically rather than one at a time through Interaction Designer.

By default, batch publishing publishes all of the default-packaged handlers listed in the i3handlers.lst file. Batch publishing can also process a custom .lst file. See "Batch Publishing" in the Interaction Designer help for more information.

NOTE: Don't try to display messages boxes or modal dialogs while a batch publishing operation is underway. If you do, you may halt a batch publish operation that is occurring on a server.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT IsBatchPublishing(

   [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * batchPublishing


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_IsBatchPublishing(VARIANT_BOOL * batchPublishing);



This Boolean value is True if Interaction Designer is currently batch publishing; otherwise False.