
  • Contents

II3ID::MessageBox Method


Prompts the user with a message box and returns the entry back to the caller. See the Windows SDK help documentation about Messagebox for valid values for Type parameter.

This function will fail if you attempt to display a message box during a publish operation. You can use the IsBatchPublishing property to determine whether or not a publishing process is currently underway.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT MessageBox(

   [in] BSTR Message,

   [in, optional] BSTR Title,

   [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] long Type,

   [out, retval] long * MessageBoxReturnValue


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT MessageBox(BSTR Message, BSTR Title, long Type, long * MessageBoxReturnValue);



The message text that the tool displays to the user.


The text that appears in the window caption.


The uType as is defined in the Windows SDK call (e.g. MB_OK)


The value returned when the user presses a button to close the message box.