- Contents
DesignerCOM API
II3IDICServer2::StartDebugSession Method
Starts a Debug Session. The initial breakpoint will be set on the initiator. EventNotifier specifies an object that implements the II3IDDebugSessionEvents interface.
IDL Function Prototype
HRESULT StartDebugSession(
[in] BSTR HandlerName,
[in] VARIANT EventSink,
[out, retval] II3IDDebugSession ** DebugSession
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT StartDebugSession(BSTR HandlerName, VARIANT EventSink, II3IDDebugSession ** DebugSession);
- HandlerName
The handler to debug.
- EventSink
The object that Interaction Designer should call back on with events specified in the II3IDICServer2 interface. The variant should be one of the following:
VT_EMPTY / VT_NULL: Specify when you don't want any callbacks to occur.
VT_BSTR: bstrVal contains a ProgID of a COM object that Designer should create that implements the interface.
VT_UNKNOWN: An IUnknown interface pointer that Designer can query for an II3IDICServer2 interface pointer.
VT_DISPATCH: An IDispatch interface pointer that Designer can query for an II3IDICServer2 interface pointer.
- DebugSession
The return value is an II3IDDebugSession object.