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II3IDInitiator2::LicenseComponentName Property


Returns the license component name that the initiator requires.

NOTE: License checks can only be done when Designer users have a valid Notifier connection. In the event that there is no Notifier connection, Designer will consider the initiator to be licensed.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT LicenseComponentName(

   [out, retval] BSTR * ComponentName


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_LicenseComponentName(BSTR * ComponentName);



Both tools and initiators can register that they require certain licensed components for users to be able to use them in Designer.  This method returns the license components that are registered for the initiator.


Sets the license object component to use to verify that an initiator is licensed.  You need to call this during the registration phase of the initiator and before it is committed.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT LicenseComponentName(

   [in] BSTR ComponentName


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT put_LicenseComponentName(BSTR ComponentName);



The ComponentName is the license feature / component that needs to be installed on the server for the handlers with this initiator to be publishable. Interaction Designer and EICPublisher will not let users publish a handler if the handler contains non-licensed tools or initiator.