- Contents
DesignerCOM API
II3IDStep::InitNotificationEvent Property
Returns the currently assigned notification event if the step type is an initiator. If the step is not an initiator, an empty string is returned.
IDL Function Prototype
HRESULT InitNotificationEvent(
[out, retval] BSTR * InitNotifEvent
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT get_InitNotificationEvent(BSTR * InitNotifEvent);
- InitNotifEvent
Returns the currently assigned notification event if the step is an initiator, or an empty string if the step is not an initiator.
When the step type is an initiator, this sets the notification event on this step.
IDL Function Prototype
HRESULT InitNotificationEvent(
[in] BSTR InitNotifEvent
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT put_InitNotificationEvent(BSTR InitNotifEvent);
- InitNotifEvent
The notification event you wish to assign to this initiator step.