- Contents
DesignerCOM API
II3IDTools::RegisterTool Method
Add a COM based tool to the collection and return its interface pointer. The ProgID will be used as the tool's Module name.
IDL Function Prototype
HRESULT RegisterTool(
[in] VARIANT ToolAddOnEventSink,
[in] BSTR ToolLabel,
[in] BSTR ToolModuleName,
[in] BSTR ToolName,
[in] BSTR Description,
[in] BSTR Category,
[in] BSTR RuntimeDLLName,
[in] BSTR RuntimeDLLFuncName,long nbrParms,
[in, otional] BSTR ToolVersion,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] BSTR HelpFileName,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] long HelpFileContext,
[out, retval] II3IDTool ** NewTool
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT RegisterTool(VARIANT ToolAddOnEventSink, BSTR ToolLabel, BSTR ToolModuleName, BSTR ToolName, BSTR Description, BSTR Category, BSTR RuntimeDLLName, BSTR RuntimeDLLFuncName,long nbrParms, BSTR ToolVersion, BSTR HelpFileName, long HelpFileContext, II3IDTool ** NewTool);
- ToolAddOnEventSink
ToolAddOnEventSink specifies the object that Interaction Designer should call back on with events specified in the II3IDToolAddOn interface. The variant should be one of the following:
VT_EMPTY / VT_NULL: Specify when you don't want any II3IDToolAddOn callbacks to occur.
VT_BSTR: The bstrVal contains a ProgID of a COM object that Designer should create that implements the II3IDToolAddOn interface.
VT_UNKNOWN: punkVal should be an IUnknown interface pointer that Designer can query for an II3IDToolAddOn interface pointer.
VT_DISPATCH: pdispVal should be an IDispatch interface pointer that Designer can query for an II3IDToolAddOn interface pointer.
- ToolLabel
The label for the tool. The label should be localized because it is displayed to the Interaction Designer user for the tool on the tool palette.
- ToolModuleName
The unchanging module name for the tool.
- ToolName
The unchanging name of the tool.
NOTE: The module name/initiator pair name needs to be unique among all tools that are registered in Designer. Interaction Designer will fail to register a tool if there is another tool already registered with the same module/name combination.
- Description
The localized description for the tool.
- Category
The category determines what tab you would like for the tool to appear under on the main Designer window.
- RuntimeDLLName
The name of the DLL that contains the 'RuntimeDLLFuncName' function.
- RuntimeDLLFuncName
The name of the function to be called in the runtime DLL to be called at runtime to perform the desired functionality of the tool.
- nbrParms
The number of registered parameters for instances of this tool.
- ToolVersion
A version string that you can assign to the tool. This string does not have to be a number. If you change the registered tool version for a tool, then the II3IDStepEvents::StepOutOfSync method will be called for handlers opened that were saved with earlier versions of your tool.
- HelpFileName
The name of a Windows help file that contains information about this tool.
- HelpFileContext
The context ID number of a topic in the help file that describes this tool.
- NewTool
The return value is an II3IDTool tool object.