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Auto-Scheduled Callbacks

The options on this expander configure a campaign to automatically schedule callbacks when it is unable to reach a targeted party for some reason. By default, no callbacks are scheduled.


Check this box to enable scheduling of callbacks for specific reason results. For example, to automatically call back contacts whose line was busy, check the Enable box for "Busy".


This column lists wrap up categories that can be auto-scheduled. For each category, you can control how long the system waits before contacting a party again, and the maximum number of retries.

Time in Minutes

Sets number of minutes that the system should wait before calling the party again. The range of values for each row is 0 to 10080 minutes.

Number of Calls

Sets maximum number of attempts that a telephone number will be called for a particular wrap up category before the number is flagged in the PND table not to be called again. Once this limit has been reached, the number will be given a status of "A" in the PND table so that it is not called again. "A" indicates that maximum retry attempts for busy, answering machine, no answer etc. have been reached for the phone number. Dialer will never call this number again.

Ignore recycles for Auto-Scheduled calls

Check this box to prevent auto-scheduled callbacks from occurring when the contact list recycles. When checked, auto-scheduled calls are only placed after the specified wait time expires, even if the contact list recycles.

The auto-scheduled call record is flagged with a status of "O" (auto-scheduled call) to ensure that future recycles of the contact list do not dial this entry.  If the setting is not checked then auto-scheduled calls will be placed during the next recycle, possibly before the scheduled time comes due.

A call scheduled after the last recycle has completed will still be called back, as will agent-owned and campaign wide callbacks as long as agents are logged in.  Auto-scheduled calls made after campaign completion will be rescheduled until the max attempts threshold is reached for one of the attempt types, or until the call is connected to a logged in agent.

How do multiple contact columns work in conjunction with the Auto-Reschedule feature?

When Dialer attempts to dial a record with multiple phone numbers, the system will only reschedule the last phone number dialed, regardless of how each individual call was dispositioned. This happens because of the way that Dialer calls multiple records, and how it stores scheduled calls. There is no way to individually schedule each phone number.