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cdmicon.gif  Contact Data Manager Icons

Each speed dial button on the CIC client interface can have an icon to identify the kind of phone number displayed for each contact. For example, if the contact named Jeff Swinson has phone numbers for home, business, fax, and pager, Jeff's name appears only once in the list, but you can select one of the numbers to display by default. Each kind of phone number can have a different icon to help CIC client users quickly identify which number is displayed.

Select a path, parameter, or a full path and file name with an .ICO extension that contains an icon representing each phone number type. The directory that contains the default CIC icon files is \\Server\IC_Client\IC_Client\Resources where Server is the name of your CIC server computer.

BusPhone.gif Business Phone

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside Business Phone numbers. For example:

BusPhone2.gif Business Phone2

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside secondary Business Phone numbers. For example:

AsstPhone.gif Assistant Phone

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside your contact's Assistant Phone numbers. For example:

hmphone1.gif Home Phone

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside Home Phone numbers. For example:

hmphone2.gif Home Phone2

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside secondary Home Phone numbers. For example:

mobphone.gif Mobile Phone

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside Mobile Phone numbers. For example:

FaxPhone.gif Fax Phone

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside Fax Phone numbers. For example:

Pager1.gif Pager Phone

Click Browse and select the name of an icon file to appear beside Page Phone numbers. For example:

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