
  • Contents

Report Connection Configuration

IC Data Sources > <Data source> > IC Data Source Configuration > Report Connection Configuration

This page lets you configure the connection to an Oracle or SQL Server data source for the purposes of running reports. For more information about reports, see the CIC Reporting Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

About Internet enabled reports

Beginning in CIC 2016 R3, you can configure a data source to run Crystal Reports in IC Business Manager with a direct connection to the database server or proxy the database connection through IC server. If you do this, you must also configure reports for your CIC server.  

If you are adding an Oracle data source for Internet enabled reporting, after you save the fields on this page, you must re-open this page to specify the Oracle service name and to view the client TNS entry.


Select method to connect to data source

  • For a direct connection to the database server, select Direct client connection to the data source. This is the default configuration.

  • To connect to the database server through the CIC server, select Proxy through HttpPluginHost.  

Port number to proxy report connection on client workstations

Oracle data sources only (required)

Type the port number for your proxy report connection. The valid range of port connections is 1024-64000.

Oracle service name

Note: This field appears only when you edit an existing Oracle data source.

Type the Oracle service name to which the reports will connect.

View client TNS entry button

Note: This button appears only when you edit an existing Oracle data source.

Click this button to view the TNS entry in Notepad. Copy the TNS and paste it to each of the client workstations. This points the TNS entry to the reporting proxy instead of the database.


Related topics

ODBC Data Source Configuration

Configure reports for your CIC server