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SIP line headers concepts

On a SIP line, headers are collected on inbound SIP messages. Based on header type, the header information is sent to stations or converted into CIC attributes. The header information is not always transferred: the phone receiving the partner call may not have a use for the header.


An external call to GeorgeB is inbound on DID number 317.555.1212. The call, referred to as 0001, comes into CIC through the gateway, and is assigned to line SIP_ININ_GW.

The Transferred Headers for this line have been configured for call-info and inin-special.

CIC retains these headers for call 0001. The information may or may not be needed.

GeorgeB's station is 8182, so another call, 0002, is created to contact his station. This 'connection' call 0002 is now a partner with call 0001, since they need to collaborate.

The outbound call 0002 is assigned line Stations-TCP, which has inin-special defined as a transferred header. Call 0002 now has the inin-special header information, but not the call-info header information from call 0001, and it is passed to GeorgeB's station 8182.

In this case, only the transferred headers at the intersection of the inbound line SIP_ININ_GW and the outbound line Station-TCP defines what information is transferred. 


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SIP line headers options

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