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Interaction Administrator Help
Manage Workgroups
Create a new Workgroup or modify an existing Workgroup by specifying its extension, alerting option, and Workgroup membership.
To create a new Workgroup, click Add. In the Add Workgroup Name dialog, type a name that describes the purpose and/or nature of the group. If a Workgroup queue is solely for ACD calls, for example, use ACD as part of the Workgroup name (for example, ACD - DB Support).
To delete the selected Workgroup, click Delete.
Configuration Tab
Specify the extension and alerting option for a selected Workgroup.
Workgroup Extension
Enter the selected Workgroup's extension. For example, you might give the Sales Workgroup an extension of 300. Calls to extension 300 go to the Sales Workgroup.
Alerting Options
When an incoming call is for members of a Workgroup and the Workgroup has a queue, you can specify how the system should alert members to the new call.
Rings Workgroup members one at a time, in order of extension.
Remembers the last user who was sent a call. Round-robin works in a loop, repeating the process down the through list, and then the process starts over with the next call. (Similar to linear hunt groups.)
Group Ring
All users of the Workgroup are alerted simultaneously.
Sets the call to ACD processing on that queue.
Members Tab
Specify the membership of the selected Workgroup.
User names in the Available list are registered on the CIC server but
are not members of this Workgroup. To add one of these users to this Workgroup,
select it and click . The name appears
in Selected list.
User names in the Selected list are members of this Workgroup. To remove
a user from this Workgroup, select it and click .
The name appears in the Available list.
Warning The system creates a workgroup called "_SystemRoutingHub_" for the routing of calls. This workgroup exists for internal reasons only.