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Wrap-up codes: configuration field descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each field in the Configuration details view under the View Wrap-up Codes page.


This is a descriptive label associated with a code and is displayed in the CIC clients. A wrap-up code is comprised of three parts:  the wrap-up code name, a digit string, and a label. The label is displayed in the CIC clients. This wrap-up code name also appears in the reports.


This is a sequence of unique digits for the new wrap-up code.

Code Label

This is a textual label for the wrap-up code. The description is displayed next to the wrap-up code in Interaction Administrator list view.


This is the wrap-up code category that the new code belongs. The category groups the codes. For example, the code may indicate a "Password Reset", and the code may belong to the "Finance Department" category. Categories must be configured to appear in wrap-up configuration.

Access Control Group

An access control group (ACG) is a group of administrative rights. When an ACG is added to the code, the code  takes on those ACG's rights. The code can be assigned to only one ACG.

Note: Access Control Groups appear if they have been configured in your environment. If Access Control Groups have not been configured, this field is not displayed.

The Right Party Was Contacted

This field is reserved for Interaction Dialer use.

Multi-language Labels

The language field indicates the language to use for the translation of the code label. The value is a string that represents the language used and is displayed in Interaction Client.

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Configure a wrap-up code