
  • Contents

Getting Datetime Values

The following operators can be used to retrieve an existing datetime value.


GetYearTZ( DateTime, TZ )

Returns the year for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

If there is an error obtaining the year, -1 is returned.


GetYearUTC( DateTime ) 

Returns the year for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in universal coordinated time.

If there is an error getting the year, -1 is returned.


GetMonthTZ( DateTime, TZ )

Returns the month for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

If there is an error obtaining the month, -1 is returned.


GetMonthUTC( DateTime ) 

Returns the month for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in universal coordinated time.

If there is an error getting the month, -1 is returned.


GetDayTZ( DateTime, TZ )

Returns the day for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

If there is an error obtaining the day, -1 is returned.


GetDayUTC( DateTime ) 

Returns the day for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in universal coordinated time.

If there is an error getting the day, -1 is returned.


GetDOWTZ( DateTime, TZ )

Returns the day of week for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc. etc.

If there is an error obtaining the day of week, -1 is returned.


GetDOWUTC( DateTime ) 

Returns the day of week for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in universal coordinated time.
1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc. etc.

If there is an error getting the second, -1 is returned.


GetHourTZ( DateTime, TZ )

Returns the hour for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

If there is an error obtaining the hour, -1 is returned.


GetHourUTC( DateTime )

Returns the hour for the DateTime as expressed in universal coordinated time.

If there is an error getting the hour, -1 is returned.


GetMinuteTZ( DateTime, TZ )

Returns the minute for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

If there is an error obtaining the minute, -1 is returned.


GetMinuteUTC( DateTime ) 

Returns the minute for the DateTime as expressed in universal coordinated time.

If there is an error getting the minute, -1 is returned.


GetSecondTZ( DateTime, TZ)

Returns the second for the given datetime if the datetime were expressed in the TZ timezone.

If there is an error obtaining the second, -1 is returned.


GetSecondUTC( DateTime ) 

Returns the second for the DateTime as expressed in universal coordinated time.

If there is an error getting the second, -1 is returned.


DateStrTZ (DateTime, TZ )

Returns a fixed length string representing the DateTime expressed in the TZ timezone with the format:



YYYY = Year

MM = Month

DD = Day

HH = Hour

mm = Minute

SS = Second

If an invalid timezone is passed in or there is an error creating the string, the returned datetime string is "".


DateStrUTC (DateTime)

Returns a fixed length string representing the DateTime, expressed in universal coordinated time, with the format:



YYYY = Year

MM = Month

DD = Day

HH = Hour

mm = Minute

SS = Second

Z = Indicates that this is a UTC datetime

If there is an error creating the string, the returned datetime string is "".

Related Topics

Date/Time Functions - Using Time Zones versus Universal Coordinated time (UTC)