
  • Contents

DLL Function Call (Out of process)

This System tool calls a sample external DLL. Use this tool as an example when creating custom functionality (outside of CIC) without having to create a new Interaction Designer tool. You must include the ipdllfunction.h header file in any DLLs you create for use with CIC.

This tool works out of process. That is, the function call is moved to another process from the one that employed this tool. This way, if anything undesirable occurs as a result of the function call, the impact on the system will be minimal. 


DLL Name

The name of the DLL you want to call.

Function Name

The name of the function within the DLL you want to call.

Maximum time to wait for custom DLL function to finish

The number of seconds this tool will wait for the custom DLL function to finish before taking the Timeout exit path. Assigning a value of zero or any negative number to this parameter will cause the tool to wait indefinitely for the custom DLL function to finish.

Input 1

A string that contains an input value that the DLL uses.

Input 2

A string that contains an input value that the DLL uses.

Input 3

A string that contains an input value that the DLL uses.


Output 1

A string that contains an output value from the DLL.

Output 2

A string that contains an output value from the DLL.

Output 3

A string that contains an output value from the DLL.

Exit Paths


This step takes the Success exit path according to Boolean return code in the function. If the DLL can be loaded and the function located, users need to return 1 for this exit path to be taken or 0 for the Failure path.


This step takes the Failure exit path according to Boolean return code in the function.

DLL Not Found

This step takes the DLL Not Found exit path if the DLL could not be found or loaded. Basically the LoadLIbrary call failed.

Function Not Found

This step takes the Function Not Found exit path if the specified function could not be located within the DLL.


This step takes the Error exit path if the tool throws an uncaught exception.


This step takes the Timeout exit path if the specified timeout period passes before the custom DLL function returns.