
  • Contents

Host Fetch Form Data

This Host Fetch Form Data tool retrieves data from a screen. The fields from which this tool collects data are determined by a host profile which you create. This tool is typically used after navigating to a screen using a Host Move to Screen step.

Settings Page

Host Connection

The name of the connection created by the Host Connect tool.


The name of the host profile you created that defines the screens and fields from which this tool will retrieve data.

Screen Name

The name of the screen defined in the host profile.

Field Bindings

This list contains the field names defined for this screen in the host profile. You can bind variables from your handler to these fields, allowing you to process info from the screen within a handler.


A list of fields for the specified screen defined in your host profile.


A list of variables bound to these fields. When this step executes, these variables will contain the values retrieved from the fields.

Binding button

Use this button to bind a variable to a field or edit an existing binding.

Clear All Bindings button

Use this button to unbind all variables from all fields.

Exit Paths


This tool takes the Success exit path if the data was retrieved.


This tool takes the Failure exit path if the Host Connection, Profile, or Screen name are invalid. This tool also fails if the host profile is out of sync with the field definitions used in the handler.