
  • Contents

Host Wait For String

This Host Interface tool waits for a specified string to appear at specified row and column on the terminal emulation. You might use this to verify that a screen has finished painting before putting or retrieving values.


Host Connection

The name of the connection created by the Host Connect tool.

Signal String

The string to wait for.


The row coordinate to watch when waiting for the string.


The column coordinate to watch when waiting for the string.

Timeout (milliseconds)

The number of milliseconds to wait before taking the Timeout path.

Case Sensitive search

Choose this option to match based on case. Deselect this option to ignore case.

Exit Paths


This step takes the Success exit path if the string appears.


This step takes the Failure exit path if the host connection is invalid, or becomes invalid during the operation. This occurs if the mainframe disconnects for some reason.


This step takes the Timeout exit path if the string does not appear before the Timeout value expires.