
  • Contents

Get Notes Attribute Date/Time

This IpNotes tool retrieves the attribute specified by the attribute name from the note specified by the note name. The list returned contains zero or more Date/Times.


Note Name.

The name of a note created by the Create Note tool or retrieved from a message by Multi-Site Get Note. The note must exist or the "Unknown Note" exit path will be taken.

Attribute Name

The string value that was used to create the attribute using the "overwrite" operation of one of the various tools that assign Note Attributes.


Last Update Time

The Date/Time of the last successful update to any attribute in the note.

Date Time Value List

The list of values retrieved from the note.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the specified note’s Date/Time is successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the operation fails due to an unspecified error.

Unknown Note

This path is taken if the specified Note cannot be found.

Unknown Attribute

This path is taken if the specified attribute cannot be found.

Wrong Type

This path is taken if the specified attribute exists, but it is not a Date/Time.