
  • Contents

Update Notes Attribute String

This IpNotes tool writes a named list of string values to an existing note. The user can choose to overwrite the old values, add more values, or selectively remove values already present.


Note Name

The name of a note created by the Create Note tool or retrieved from a message by Multi-Site Get Note. The note must exist or the Unknown Note exit path will be taken.

Update Operation: 0 = append, 1 = overwrite, 2 = remove

The append operation adds the supplied list of values to the values already present in the attribute.

The overwrite operation replaces any existing values with the supplied list. Note that the entire list is replaced, not the individual values. This means that if there were ten old values and you supplied a list of five new values, the resulting attribute would contain only the five new values, not five new and five old.

The remove operation searches for values in the existing list that match hose in the supplied list and removes the first occurrence of each that is found.

Attribute Name

A string value by which the attribute of this type will be (or already is) accessible. He attribute must already exist if the update operation is append or remove. If not, the Unknown Attribute exit path will be taken. To set the initial values in a newly-created attribute, you must select the overwrite operation.

String Value List

The list of values to be added or removed from the note.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the specified note’s Date/Time is successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the operation fails due to an unspecified error.

Unknown Note

This path is taken if the specified Note cannot be found. This path will only apply when the update operation is Append or Remove.

Unknown Attribute

This path is taken if the specified attribute cannot be found. This path will only apply when the update operation is Append or Remove.

Wrong Type

This path is taken if the specified attribute exists, but it is not a string.