
  • Contents

Flush Cache

This LDAP tool removes all LDAP connections that are currently not in use from the cache. This would be useful in purging the cache after occasional peaks in activity to free up server connections for other uses.

For example, a server may have a high maximum cache size set to facilitate a relatively short period of high activity each day. After this high activity period ends, the large cache size is no longer necessary and the connections stored in the cache are essentially being wasted. Calling this tool after such a period would make those connections available for other uses until the next high activity period.

Note that using this tool too often will negate the usefulness of caching connections at all.


Error Code

The code associated with a processing error.

Error Message

A string description describing the error that occurred.

Error Native

A string description of an error that occurred in the LDAPLib module that connects this CIC server to your LDAP Server.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if all unused connections are removed from the cache.


This path is taken if the operation fails.