
  • Contents

Log Tools

Each log tool writes one or more pieces of information to a report log with a corresponding name. Each input parameter in a log tool corresponds to a column defined in the report log in Interaction Administrator.

When you install CIC Server, the following report logs are configured automatically:

  • Account Code Configuration Log
    This log contains a mirror image of the account codes as configured in CIC.

  • Agent Activity Log
    This log contains details of individual status changes. It is updated each time an agent manually changes phone status (e.g. "at lunch", "available", etc.).

  • Agent Queue Statistics Interval Log
    The Agent Queue Statistics Interval log was deprecated in  CIC 4.0.
    This log contains details inserted from the Queue Period Statistics monitor handlers.

  • Fax Envelope History Log
    This log contains statistics on faxes sent through CIC.

  • IC Change Notification Log
    This log contains details of the change notifications transmitted by the Admin Server.

  • Interaction Administrator Change Notification Log
    This log contains details about all changes made using the Interaction Administrator program.

  • Interaction Custom Attributes Record Log

  • Interval Line Group Statistics Log
    This log contains interval statistics for line groups configured for reporting in CIC.

  • Interval Line Statistics Log
    This log contains interval statistics for lines configured for reporting in CIC.

  • IVR History Log
    This log contains the history of each interaction passed through IVR nodes configured in CIC's Interaction Attendant.

  • IVR Interval Log
    This log contains the statistics of each IVR node configured in CIC's Interaction Attendant. This data is collected periodically based on server parameters.

  • Line Configuration Mirror Log
    This log contains a mirror image of the lines as configured in CIC.

  • Line Group Configuration Log
    This log contains a mirror image of the line groups as configured in CIC.

  • Line Group to Lines Relationship Mirror Log
    This log contains a mirror image of the line group to lines relationship as configured in CIC.

  • Statistics Group Interval Log
    The Statistics Group Interval Log was deprecated in  CIC 4.0.
    This log contains details inserted by the Queue Period Statistics monitor handlers. It is similar to Agent Queue Statistics Interval Log except that the agent values are not present because statistics groups are not associated with agents.

  • User to Workgroup Relationship Log
    This log contains a mirror image of the users and their workgroups as configured in Interaction Administrator.

  • Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval Log
    The Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval log was deprecated in CIC 4.0.
    This log contains details inserted from the Queue Period Statistics monitor handlers. It is similar to Agent Queue Statistics Interval Log, but contains information on workgroup/queue for which there was activity, or agents logged in the system.

  • WrapUp Statistics Log
    This log contains statistics for each wrap-up code as configured in CIC.

Note: Because log tools send data to the log server asynchronously, error messages resulting from tool failure are written to the log file.

Report log tools fail if the tool is out of sync with the actual report log defined in Interaction Administrator. If you use a custom column in a report log, you must update any handlers that currently use the corresponding log tool to write information to that log.

See the PureConnect Reporting Technical Reference, the Advanced Reporting Technical Reference, and the PureConnect Data Dictionary for more information on logs, log tools, logging handlers, custom columns, and reporting.