
  • Contents

Reco Filter Result

This Reco tool creates a new result XML document that contains <hypothesis> elements from the Argument parameter based on a Pattern and some match criteria. There are two options:

  1. Include those hypotheses that match; or

  2. Those that don’t match (depending on the Exclude Matching Hypotheses parameter).

This tool is very useful to cull hypotheses from a recognition result that were already seen before. The <hypothesis> elements in the output result document are sorted by confidence.



XML DOM node of a <result> element. The argument document is not modified.


XML DOM node of a <result> or <hypothesis> element. The argument document is not modified.

Compare Mode

Specifies whether to compare the values of the Mode attributes. Leave this box checked if you only want the hypotheses to match if the values for the mode attributes are equal. Clear this box if you don't want the modes to be compared.

Compare Confidence

Specifies whether to compare the values of the Confidence attributes. Leave this box unchecked if you do not want the two hypotheses confidences to be considered. Check this box if you only want to match hypotheses that have equal confidences.

Compare Grammar ID

Specifies whether to compare the values of the Grammar attributes. Leave this box checked if you want the two hypotheses to have matching Grammar ID values. Clear this box if you do not want the Grammar IDs to be considered.

Compare Utterance

Specifies whether to compare the values of the "utterance" attributes. Leave this box unchecked if you do not want the values of the <utterance> elements to be compared. Check this box if you only want to match hypotheses with matching <utterance> elements.

Compare Slots

Specifies whether to compare the number, names, and values of the slots of the hypotheses. Leave this box checked if you only want to match hypotheses with matching slots. Clear this box if you do not want the slots to be compared.

Slot Names

Space-separated list of names of the slots to compare. If not specified, compares all slots.

Note: Use the "dot" notation to reference individual nested slots.

Exclude Matching Hypotheses

Specifies whether to negate the match. Leave this box checked if you want to include only those hypotheses from the Argument in the filtered result that do not match any hypotheses in the Pattern document. This corresponds to a set difference.

Clear this box to include hypotheses from Argument in the filtered result that match with one or more hypotheses from the Pattern document. This roughly corresponds to a set intersection.



XML DOM node of the <result> element of a new document that contains the filtered recognition result.

Hypothesis Count

Number of <hypothesis> elements in the result.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if there is a valid result with at least one hypothesis.

Empty Result

This path is taken if the Recognition Result document has become empty.


This path is taken if some error occurred, most likely an invalid <result>.