
  • Contents

Reco Get Registered Grammars

This Reco tool retrieves a list of the grammars registered on the session of the specified interaction.

Note: If the interaction does not yet have a session, an empty string will be returned and the tool will take the None exit path.



Identifier of the interaction.


Grammar Ids

Space-separated list of IDs of grammars registered with the current interaction.

Grammar Count

Number of registered grammars.

Error Code

If the registration fails, this output parameter contains an error code in the form of a VoiceXML event. This will be an empty string if no error occurred.

Error Text

If the tool fails, this output parameter will contain a simple textual description of what went wrong (e.g., the reason for compilation error).

Exit Paths 


This path is taken if the list of active grammars was successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the ASR session of this interaction does not have any grammars.


This path is taken if an error occurred.