
  • Contents

Reco Merge Results

This Reco tool creates a new result XML document that contains a union of two recognition results. The arguments may be <result> or <hypothesis> elements. The XML documents of the arguments are not modified (thus, a copy is made of the elements).

The merged result is created as follows:

  1. Take the first hypothesis from argument 1 and add to result.

  2. Compare each hypothesis in argument 1 and argument 2 against the hypotheses in the result and if it does not match any hypothesis in the result.

  3. If a hypothesis matches one that is already in the result, it replaces the existing one if the confidence is higher (thus, the matching hypothesis with the highest confidence is kept).

Thus, merging the hypotheses can also be used to prune the set of results. For example, if only the Compare Mode checkbox is checked and all others are unchecked, the merged result will contain at most one hypothesis for each mode, namely the one with the highest confidence.


Result or Hypothesis 1

XML DOM node of a <result> or <hypothesis> element. The argument document is not modified.

Result or Hypothesis 2

XML DOM node of a <result> or <hypothesis> element. The argument document is not modified.

Compare Mode

Specifies whether to compare the values of the Mode attributes. Leave this box checked if you only want the hypotheses to match if the values for the mode attributes are equal. Clear this box if you don't want the modes to be compared.

Compare Confidence

Specifies whether to compare the values of the Confidence attributes. Leave this box unchecked if you do not want the two hypotheses confidences to be considered. Check this box if you only want to match hypotheses that have equal confidences.

Compare Grammar ID

Specifies whether to compare the values of the Grammar attributes. Leave this box checked if you want the two hypotheses to have matching Grammar ID values. Clear this box if you do not want the Grammar IDs to be considered.

Compare Utterance

Specifies whether to compare the values of the "utterance" attributes. Leave this box unchecked if you do not want the values of the <utterance> elements to be compared. Check this box if you only want to match hypotheses with matching <utterance> elements.

Compare Slots

Specifies whether to compare the number, names and values of the slots of the hypotheses. Leave this box checked if you only want to match hypotheses with matching slots. Clear this box if you do not want the slots to be compared.

Slot Names

Space delimited list of names of the slots to compare. If not specified, compare all slots. This is ignored when Compare Slots is not checked.

Note: Use the "dot" notation to reference individual nested slots.



XML DOM node of the <result> element of a new document that contains the union of the hypotheses.

Hypothesis Count

Number of <hypothesis> elements in the result.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the results are valid.

Empty Result

This path is taken if both arguments are empty result sets.


This path is take if an error occurred. Most likely an invalid <result> or <hypothesis> element specified as an argument.