
  • Contents

Reco Release

This Reco tool requests a release of the recognition resources (ASR engine) and session. A handler can use this tool to explicitly release the resources when it no longer needs the ASR engine. This is merely considered as a (strong) hint to the recognition subsystem, but it may not honor it for some reason.

Irrespective of whether the ASR session is actually released or not, invoking this tool will un-register all grammars of the session.

Note: This tool does nothing if the interaction does not have an active recognition session. However in this case, it will still take the Success exit path.



Identifier of the interaction.

Exit Paths 


This path is taken if the request to release session is successfully processed.

Not Owner

This path is taken if the invoking handler is not the owner of the interaction.


This path is taken if an error has occurred.