
  • Contents

Reco Unregister Grammar

This Reco tool unregisters a grammar that was previously registered through the Reco Register Grammar, Reco Register Grammar  String, or Reco Register Inline Grammar tool. The grammar is identified by its grammar ID. This tool simply tells the recognition subsystem that the grammar will not be used anymore and the associated resources can be released. You don’t necessarily have to invoke this tool, as the recognition subsystem will collect the grammars when the session completes.

In general, it is not necessarily a good idea to explicitly unregister grammars that may be re-registered shortly again (e.g. in a subroutine handler that is invoked multiple times) and if they have an explicitly specified GrammarID as this defeats grammar registration optimizations done by the Reco Subsystem.



Identifier of the interaction.

Grammar ID

Space delimited list of identifiers of the grammar(s) to unregister.


Error Code

If the tool fails, this output parameter contains an error code in the form of a VoiceXML event. This will be an empty string if no error occurred.

Error Text

If the registration fails, this output parameter will contain a simple textual description of what went wrong (e.g. reason for compilation error).

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the grammar was successfully unregistered.


This path is taken if an error occurred.