
  • Contents

Sort Lists

This List tool sorts a list lexicographically, and sorts the elements of the four other parallel lists according to the sorting of the first. In other words, if the elements of the first list are rearranged in XX way, the elements in the other four lists will be rearranged in XX way.

For example, if you pass the list ("1", "3", "2") and a parallel list of ("Z", "Y", "X"), the outputs should be ("1", "2", "3") and ("Z", "X", "Y"); that is, the elements in the parallel lists are reordered according to the reordering that is performed on the list to be sorted.

Note that if there is a list of items that have the same key ("1", "1", "1"), the associated lists might not be in the same order following the sort.


Sort in Ascending Order

Set this parameter to true to sort the list in ascending order. Set this parameter to false to sort in descending order.


List of strings to be processed

This first list contains the elements to be sorted.

Parallel list

The elements of this list are sorted according to the sorting of elements of the first list. If you do not have a list for this parameter, you can repeat the name of a list from another parameter on this page.

Parallel list

The elements of this list are sorted according to the sorting of elements of the first list. If you do not have a list for this parameter, you can repeat the name of a list from another parameter on this page.

Parallel list

The elements of this list are sorted according to the sorting of elements of the first list. If you do not have a list for this parameter, you can repeat the name of a list from another parameter on this page.

Parallel list

The elements of this list are sorted according the sorting of elements of the first list. If you do not have a list for this parameter, you can repeat the name of a list from another parameter on this page.

Exit Path


This tool always takes the Next exit path.