
  • Contents

Special Export Options

The following is a table of the export types, and the special export options that can be used with these export types. (Separate multiple special options with a semicolon, i.e., "ExcelColumnHeadings=1;ExcelConstColWidth8.")


Export Types

Special Parameters Supported

Microsoft Excel 97-2000 Extended

ExcelConstColWidth Uses a constant column width of 36 points.

ExcelConstColWidth=NNN.N  Set constant column size in points. Value can be a floating decimal. There is no default.

ExcelBaseAreaType=(WHOLEREPORT | DETAIL | PAGEFOOTER | PAGEHEADER | GROUPHEADER | GROUPFOOTER) Section type used to define column alignment and widths. Default is WHOLEREPORT.

ExcelBaseAreaGroupNum=N Valid only for GROUPHEADER or GROUPFOOTER and identifies the grouping to use. Defaults to 1 if no value is specified.

ExcelExportPageBreaks Export page breaks. Default is false.

ExcelConvertDateValuesToString Convert date time values. Default is false.

ExcelNoExportPageHeaders Do not export page headers. Default is false (report will export page headers).

FirstPageNo=NNN First page of a page range to export. If not specified, all pages are exported.

LastPageNo=NNN Last page of a page range to export. If not specified, the last page is used by default.

Paginated Text


Text, Tabbed Text, Comma Separated Text, Tab Separated Text, Character Separated Text, Records, DIF

UseReportNumberFormat=0 or 1

UseReportDateFormat=0 or 1

Character Separated Text





Note: The ODBC export does not do a good job formatting the exported data. For example, Crystal Reports generates column names from the report (and usually mangles them. Also, the report is exported sideways so the report title appears in avery row on the left. We recommend that you export to some other type, such as a comma seperated file, and import the data from that file.

DSN={ODBC data source} *required

TABLE={export table} *required

UID={logging in user id}

PWD={logging in password}


Explanation of Special Options

Any special option that takes a value must be followed immediately by an "=" and the values. Example ExcelConstColWidth=15. If there are any spaces, tabs, or other characters between the "=" on either size, the parameters is considered invalid.

ExcelConstColWidth or ExcelConstColWidth=1 to n

Default is off/false. If specified without a value constant column widths will be enabled with a default width of 36. If a non zero width is specified, then that width will be used to determine the fixed width of the columns.


Defines the base area to be used for tabular formatting. This will be some section of the Crystal reporting hierarchy. The possible values are WHOLEREPORT, DETAIL, PAGEHEADER, PAGEFOOTER, GROUPHEADER, and GROUPFOOTER.

If no ExcelBaseAreaType is defined, the WHOLEREPORT  section will be used to define column alignment and widths.  

If the base area is GROUPHEADER or GROUPFOOTER, the ExcelBaseAreaGroupNum identifies which of the group sections defines the tabular base area.

ExcelBaseAreaGroupNum=1 to n

If the ExcelBaseAreaType is GROUPHEADER or GROUPFOOTER, this defines the group that is to be used for the tabular format.

LinesPerPage=1 to n

For paginated export type, this sets the number of lines to be used for each page of output. The default value is 66.

UseReportNumberFormat=0 or 1

The default value for this is false. If a value of 1 (true) is supplied, the report number formatting will be used for numeric output values in the export. If the value is 0 (false), then the system default numeric formats as defined by the Locale settings will be used.

UseReportDateFormat=0 or 1

The default value for this is false. If a value of 1 (true) is supplied, the report date and time formatting will be used for date and time output values in the export. If the value is 0 (false), then the system default date and time formats as defined by the Locale settings will be used.


Specified the single character that will be used as a delimiter at the beginning and end of a string value. The default is a double quote.


Specifies the single character that will be used to separate fields in the export. The default value is a comma.

DSN={ODBC data source}

Specified the ODBC data source name that will be used to connect to the database where the ODBC export should occur. This value is not optional for ODBC exports. If not provided the export will fail.

UID={logging in user id}

User identifier for the data source specified in the DSN export options. This value might not be required if the ODBC source has some other means of authenticating and connecting the user.

PWD={logging in password}

User password to be used with the UID and DSN. This value might not be required if the ODBC source has some other means of authenticating the connecting user.

TABLE={export table}

Destination table for the ODBC exports. This value is required for the export to succeed.