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Variables are containers for values. Variables exist for both normal and extended types, however you can declare variables only for normal types. Extended type variables are declared automatically when you insert a step that processes an extended type value.

Declaring Variables in a handler

There are two ways to create a variable in a handler. First, you can explicitly declare one with the Assignment tool. Second, you implicitly create them when you drag a tool into a handler where that tool contains variable names. For example, if you insert an Extended Place Call step into your handler, the variable Digits is automatically declared in the handler.

Once you have declared a variable within a handler, either explicitly or implicitly, you cannot remove it.

Global Variables

All variables are scoped to the handler in which they are declared. You can pass values to a subroutine, but the variables must be declared within any handler or subroutine in which they are used.

A good way to store values outside of handlers is to store the value in a system or server parameter. You can create system and server parameters in Interaction Administrator. For example, you could create a server parameter called StrAdminEmail with the value of the system administrator's email address. A GetDSAttr step can retrieve the value of StrAdminEmail within a handler. Server parameters make handlers easy to maintain and port to other CIC servers since values are not hard coded. See Retrieving the values of server and system parameters from handlers for more information. Server parameters can store only string values, but the type conversion operators could convert them to other values types.

Related Topics

Literal Values

Literal Values, Variables, and Operators
