
  • Contents

XML Add Schema

This XML tool adds a schema to the schema cache of the document. The schema cache can be used to associate a schema with a namespace. For example, you can load a document with ‘Resolve Externals’ and ‘Validate On Parse’ set to False. By adding pre-loaded schemas to the schema cache for schemas that require external resolving, you can avoid the potentially expensive step of resolving external references (for example, if the schema is located on a remote machine). After adding the schemas, you can invoke the XML Validate Document tool to validate the document against the schemas.

Noted: Schemas in the schema cache will have precedence over schemas already in the document. This therefore allows validating a document against a different schema than it was originally loaded with.

Adding a schema will automatically disable DTD processing, as you cannot use both in the same document.

The namespaces of Schemas added with this tool will only be included in the list returned by the XML Get Namespaces tool, if they are actually used (referenced) in the document.



Node of document to whose schema cache the schema is to be added.

Namespace URI

Namespace URI of the Schema to add.


Node of the Schema document to add. If not specified, schema of the given name is removed.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the schema is successfully added to the schema cache.


This path is taken if the operation fails.