
  • Contents

XML Escape Entities

This XML tool returns a string with all occurrences of the specified entity characters replaced with the corresponding entity reference.

Note: Stricter escaping has precedence. Thus, if ‘Escape non-ASCII Characters’ and ‘Escape non-ANSI Characters’ check boxes are selected, the ASCII escaping takes precedence, as it is stricter.


Source String

String to process.

Escape < with &lt;

Checkbox, default = True. Escape < to &lt;

Escape > with &gt;

Checkbox, default = True. Escape > to &gt;

Escape & with &amp;

Checkbox, default = True. Escape & to &amp;

Escape ‘ with &apos;

Checkbox, default = True. Escape to &apos;

Escape " with &quot;

Checkbox, default = True. Escape " to &quot;

Escape non-ASCII Characters

Checkbox, default = True. Escape characters that are not characters from the basic ASCII character set (0x20…0x7E). The control characters supported by XML (\t, \n, \r) are not escaped.
Escaped characters are replaced by a hexadecimal character reference (&#x<code>;).

Escape non-ANSI Characters

Checkbox, default = False. Escape characters that are not characters from the ANSI character set (0x20…0xFF). The control characters supported by XML (\t, \n, \r) are not escaped.
Escaped characters are replaced by a hexadecimal character reference (&#x<code>;).

Normalize LF to CR/LF

Checkbox, default = False. Replace newlines (\n) with carriage-return/newline pairs (\r\n). Already present CR/LF pairs will not be expanded (i.e. CR/LF will not be expanded to CR/CR/LF)

Normalize CR/LF to LF

Checkbox, default = False. Replace carriage-return/newline pairs (\r\n) with a linefeed (\n).


Result String

String with certain characters escaped.

Exit Path


This path always takes the Next exit path.