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VoiceXML Tools Overview

The Voice XML interpreter optional feature is integrated into the PureConnect platform. Handlers process incoming calls and decide if a call needs to go through a VoiceXML application. The handler then invokes a tool that transfers the call to the VoiceXML Interpreter, and a VoiceXML session is activated. The URL of the VoiceXML document is specified by the session activation tool, and specifies which dialog to start. The VoiceXML Interpreter attempts to load and parse the document, and if it is successful, the Interpreter takes ownership of the call.

Depending on the dialog specified in the VXML document, the Interpreter either queues TTS or plays an audio prompt to the caller. The Interpreter then listens for DTMF or speech input.

Activating a VoiceXML session

A speech session is activated by an CIC Handler using one of the following four tools:

  • VoiceXML Initiate  - This tool sends a request to the VoiceXML Interpreter to initiate a session with the specified interaction, and the initial VoiceXML document URL is given as an argument. This tool issues a synchronous request.

  • VoiceXML Async Initiate  - This tool sends a request to the VoiceXML Interpreter to initiate a session with the specified interaction, and the initial VoiceXML document URL is given as an argument. This tool issues an asynchronous request.

  • VoiceXML Initiate Document  - This tool sends a request to the VoiceXML Interpreter to initiate a session with the specified interaction, and the initial VoiceXML document is given as an argument. This tool is most useful to interpret dynamically generated VoiceXML documents or documents read from a database. This tool issues a synchronous request.

  • VoiceXML Async Initiate Document  - This tool sends a request to the VoiceXML Interpreter to initiate a session with the specified interaction, and the initial VoiceXML document is given as an argument. This tool is most useful to interpret dynamically generated VoiceXML documents or documents read from a database. This tool issues an asynchronous request.

  • VoiceXML Async Cancel - This VoiceXML tool sends a request to the VoiceXML Interpreter to cancel play/input operations. This tool issues a synchronous request.

Asynchronous and Synchronous activations

In asynchronous activations, the tool returns as soon as the VoiceXML session initiates and data cannot be sent back to the handler. This activation frees the handler for another session.

In synchronous activations, the tool waits until the VoiceXML session completes and the handler continues processing, allowing data to be sent back to the handler. For example the handler initiates a VoiceXML application to collect account information from a caller. The handler waits for the VoiceXML application to complete before transferring the caller and the account information to an agent.

Additional Information

For more information about VoiceXML integration in CIC, see the VoiceXML Installation and Configuration Guide in the PureConnect Documentation Library.