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Copy Shifts to Agent

You can copy an agent’s shift to another agent or agents (this maintains or keeps the assignment of the originally selected agent) in a local schedule. This action is available in week view, but not in day or multi-day view. You cannot copy shifts in an AI-powered schedule.

Note: Before you configure shifts, select the appropriate scheduling unit from the Interaction Optimizer Home page Scheduling unit drop-down list.

To copy a shift from one agent to another agent or agents:

  1. From the Interaction Optimizer Home page, in the Scheduling area click the appropriate schedule from the Schedules drop-down list and click Open selected schedule. The Schedule tab opens.

  2. Right-click on the agent's name and select Copy Shift to Agents from the menu that appears.

  3. Select one or more shifts in the Copy Shift from dialog box, and click OK.

The shift is now assigned to the selected agents, but the shift remains assigned to the original agent as well.

Note: Shifts can only be copied on days when the agent receiving a copy of the shift is not already assigned a shift.

Tips: Use Shift+click to select a range of agent names to copy shifts. Use Ctrl+click to select multiple agent names. Drag and drop a shift from one day to another day, or from one agent to another agent.

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