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Change State

The Change State action jumps the process directly to the beginning of a different state without any intervening steps.

For example, if the value of a variable showed that no more work was needed in the current state, you could embed the Change State action inside an If-Then / Else action to skip over remaining steps in the current state and go directly to the next (or any other) state.

Note: Before you add a Change State action, you must first create the state to which the action should lead.

To add the Change State action to a state:

  1. From the Toolbox, drag the Change State action to the appropriate place in the current state.

  2. IPA Designer displays the Edit Change State dialog box (see figure).

  3. In the State list, click the state to which the process should jump.

  4. Click the Notes tab and enter a brief explanation of the purpose of the Change State action.

  5.  Click Close.