
  • Contents

Log Snip/Merge Utility

The Log Snip/Merge Utility snips (copies) all or part of a log file to a new file. It can merge entries from multiple logs into a new log file.

Add button

Opens the File Open dialog box so that you can select logs to snip or merge.

Remove button

Removes the selected entry from the Logs to snip/merge list.

Don't Restrict Start Time check box

When selected, snips or merges starting with the first record in each log file. When cleared, the snip/merge operation starts at the date and time selected.

Start Date

Opens a calendar control so that you can select a different start date.

Start Time

This field prompts for a start time in hh:mm:ss:nnnn format. You do not need to enter times in thousands of a second, but precise selections of this type are supported.

Don't Restrict End Time check box

When selected, allows the snip or merge to end at a particular time in each log file. When cleared, the snip/merge operation ends when end-of-file is reached.

Stop Date

Opens a calendar control so that you can select a different end date.

Stop Time

This field prompts for a stop time in hh:mm:ss:nnnn format. You do not need to enter times in thousands of a second, but precise selections of this type are supported.

Destination File

Type the path and name of a new .ininlog file in this field. Pressing the … button opens a File Save dialog that makes it easier to set the destination folder and filename.

Snip button

Snips or merges the selected files into the new file specified.

Cancel button

Closes the dialog box without snipping or merging files.

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