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Use Search menu commands to trace call levels

Directionally paired commands in the Search menu trace execution of code through call levels in various ways. Call level (or call stack, if you prefer) is an indicator of functions calling other functions. The first calling function is level 0. If the main function calls a helper function, the helper is considered to be at call level 1, and so forth. Call levels help trace the flow of control from one function to another.

Step Over Next Call Level (F10) jumps to the next message of the same or lower call level, skipping all the messages of higher call levels.

Back Over Next Call Level (Shift+F10) does the opposite of Step Over Next Call Level. It jumps to the previous message of the same or lower call level, skipping all the messages of higher call levels.

Step into Next Call Level (F11) jumps to the next message, regardless of call level.

Back into Next Call Level (Shift-11) is the opposite of Step into Next Call Level. It jumps to the previous message, regardless of call level.

Jump Out of Current Call Level (F12) jumps to the next trace statement of lower call level.

Back Out of Current Call Level (Shift+F12) is the opposite of Jump Out of Current Call Level. It jumps to the previous trace statement of higher call level.

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