
  • Contents

User Call Summary Report

The User Call Summary report displays summarized interaction data for each agent within the specified period of time. The summarized data is displayed in a table and a pie chart.

Note:  This report is grouped by User ID (Agents) and includes a summary of interactions, grouped by date, in which the Agent was the last User to handle the interaction. The data in this report displays a summary of the interactions, such as Count and Duration, and does not provide summary data for the User. For user-specific information, such as Talk time, and Hold time, run the User Productivity report. For workgroup data, such as associating calls to specific workgroups, run Queue reports.

The table displays the information for each user, by day, including:

  • Number, duration, and average duration of interactions—such as: calls, chats, e-mails, and social conversation

  • Number, duration, average duration, and call type—External or Intercom—for Inbound interactions

  • Number, duration, average duration, and call type—External or Intercom—for Outbound interactions

The pie chart displays a comparison of percentages of the types of interactions for the user within the specified period of time, by:

  • Inbound/External

  • Inbound/Intercom

  • Outbound/External

  • Outbound/Intercom


The following parameters can be specified for the User Call Summary report:

  • Date/Time Connected

  • Date/Time Initiated

  • Call Type

  • Call Direction

  • Media Type

  • Site ID

  • Last Associated IC User

  • User List

Sample report

Click on the image below to view a sample of this report.



Report Element Descriptions

Report Element

Database Column or Computation

Count of total interactions

Count interactions

Duration of total interactions

Total duration

Average duration of total interactions

Total duration / Count interactions

Count of Inbound interactions

Count Inbound interactions

Duration of Inbound interactions

Total duration Inbound

Average duration inbound interactions

Total duration Inbound / Count Inbound interactions

Count of Inbound External interactions

Computed: Count Inbound External

Count of Inbound Intercom interactions

Computed: Count Inbound Intercom

Count of Outbound interactions

Count Outbound interactions

Duration of Outbound interactions

Total duration Outbound

Average duration Outbound interactions

Total duration Outbound / Count Outbound interactions

Count of Outbound External interactions

Computed: Count Outbound External

Count of Outbound Intercom interactions

Computed: Count Outbound Intercom


Stored Procedure

  • sprpt_IntxDetail2

  • sprpt_IntxDetail_count2



  • Calldetail_viw