
  • Contents

Documentation Updates

Two documentation resource changes were introduced in 2018 R4 to enhance information experience.

New Documentation Cover Page Format

The PDF documents in the Technical Reference Documents section of the Documentation Library include an updated cover page that clarifies publication information. Previously, document cover pages were not updated if the content did not change for a release, sometimes leading to confusion. Starting in PureConnect 2018 R4, cover pages are updated automatically for each release and the cover indicates the current release, the date the PDF was generated, and last time the content was updated based on the last entry in the Change Log for that document.


Data Dictionary URL

The PureConnect Data Dictionary URL has been specific to a version of PureConnect, such as PureConnect 2018 R3 at  Starting in 2018 R4, you can bookmark a constant URL to reflect the current version of the data dictionary. Previous versions of the data dictionary are available in the archived versions of the documentation library.