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IC System Manager Help
Set Trace options for a Subsystem
Tracing is the logging of messages generated by subsystems of actions performed by that system. These messages are recorded in a trace log file and can be used to track performance. Most subsystems start with all tracing defaulted to status level (which includes status messages, warnings, and errors).
Select the subsystem to trace. Next, pull down the Trace menu and select Trace Configuration.
This action opens the Trace Configuration dialog. It displays an expandable list of topics for the selected subsystem. For each subsystem, a Topic Level and Topic Level Enumeration is displayed.
A Topic Level Enumeration is a textual description that categorizes the numeric topic level setting. This gives an indication of the range. The higher the topic level, the more logging CIC performs.
All corresponds to topic levels from 0-100.
Verbose Notes correspond to topic levels in the 81-99 range.
Notes correspond to topic levels in the 61-80 range.
Status corresponds to topic levels in the 41-60 range.
Warning corresponds to topic levels in the 21-40 range.
Error corresponds to topic levels in the 11-20 range.
Critical Error corresponds to topic levels in the 0-10 range.
To change a topic level setting, right-click on a topic in the list and select Select Topic Levels from the context menu.
You may also double-click on a topic. The Change Topic Levels dialog will appear.
Tracing levels set here can be overridden by Interactive Administrator based on system configuration settings for trace logs.
You can change the Topic Level in three ways:
Use the option buttons.
Use the slide bar.
Enter a number directly into the numeric edit box.
When you are finished, select OK to close the Change Topic Levels dialog.
Repeat steps 2-4 to change other settings for other topics.
When you are finished, select OK to close the Trace Configuration dialog.