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Activate and Deactivate Monitored Appearances

Requirements: For more information about required rights, see Working with Monitored Appearances. Note also that a Monitored Appearance is automatically removed if you lose the rights to view the associated user queue.

Activity is monitored only for appearances listed on the Monitored Appearances view. You can turn monitoring off and on for a selected appearance without having to delete it.

To activate or deactivate a monitored appearance:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you have at least one monitored appearance displayed, in the Monitored Appearances tab, right-click below the last name listed. From the shortcut menu, select Active Monitors.

    • If you have configured some monitored appearances, right-click in the Monitored Appearances view. Select Active Monitors from the shortcut menu.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • To activate a monitored appearance, place a check mark next to a previously configured name.

Result: Monitoring is started for the selected person’s activities.

    • To deactivate a monitored appearance, clear the check mark next to the name.

Result: Monitoring is stopped for the selected person’s activities.

Related Topics

Configure Monitored Appearances

Customize Monitored Appearance Alerts

Delete a Monitored Appearance

Working with Monitored Appearances