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Display a Speed Dial View

Requirements: You can display any Speed Dial view you create. You can also display any "Public" Speed Dial view. For example, your CIC administrator or other co-worker could create a speed dial view for emergency numbers and make it available for all CIC client users. For more information, see Create a Speed Dial View.

To display an available Speed Dial view:

  1. In the Create New View dialog box, set Group by to Categories, and then from the list of categories, select Directories.

  1. In the Views list, select Speed Dial.

Result: The current list of Speed Dial views is displayed in the Select Speed Dial to Add dialog box.

  1. Select the view name from the Available Items list.

Tip: Enter all or part of the view name in the Filter items text box to locate the view name.

  1. Click the Add > button.

Result: The selected view appears in the Selected items list.

  1. Optional. Select and add additional views to the Selected items list.

  1. When you complete your selection or selections, click OK.

Result: The selected view or views appear.

Related Topics

Create a Speed Dial View

Close a Speed Dial View

Using Speed Dial